Fuel Sources

Cape Byron Management uses sustainably sourced biomass fuels which are low carbon, cost effective and renewable.

Biomass is organic, plant-based material sourced from waste timber, agricultural residues and dedicated energy crops that are generally not suitable for other viable uses.

Cape Byron Management’s policy is designed to ensure that we can verify that the biomass consumed in our generation facilities has been legally produced and is environmentally sustainable.

Cape Byron Power uses the following fuels that are 100% federally accredited renewable energy fuel sources that comply with Australia’s United Nations’ obligations under the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Accord:

Source Content
Bagasse The plant fibre left over from the sugar cane harvest each year after the cane juice has been removed by the sugar mills.
Energy Crops Such as the wood and plant fibre from purpose grown crops (e.g. plantation forestry).
Woodwaste Waste timber from sawmill offcuts or from local weed removal that has no other economically beneficial use.
Approved Clearance The waste fibre left over from already approved infrastructure projects being undertaken in the local area such as new roads, dams, transmission lines and subdivisions that has no other economical beneficial use.

Biomass is a plentiful resource and is an important part of global clean power generation.

Throughout its cycle, biomass absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and, through the process of photosynthesis, stores it as energy. Biomass, such as crops and trees, are naturally replenishing, whether through natural re-growth or plantation plantings. In this way, biomass helps maintain carbon equilibrium.

Sustainability principles implemented by Cape Byron Management ensures we comply, as a minimum, with the sustainability requirements being introduced by the Australian government and the regulatory and policy initiatives developing domestically.

Cape Byron Management uses their purchase contracts to contribute to local prosperity in the area of supply chain management and biomass production and the social well-being of employees and the local population in the area of the biomass production.